
Teradej Wongsompong, Captain Pilot

In my career as a pilot, I’m always looking for ways to improve my sleep quality so I can perform at my best. Before using iNAP, I had problems with snoring, along with sleep apnea. This made me feel tired and groggy during long flights. I tried CPAP, but it was uncomfortable and bulky, and I didn’t like wearing a mask. At first, I was hesitant to try iNAP, but I decided to give it a try. When I tried it, I felt so lucky to have found iNAP. It’s comfortable, easy to use, portable, and has helped my snoring decrease significantly. I wake up feeling refreshed, and my mind is much clearer than before. This is essential for my work as a pilot. I highly recommend iNAP to anyone looking for an effective and comfortable way to treat sleep apnea. It’s made a big difference in my life.

Mr. Chen | Patient with Severe Sleep Apnea

I am a severe patient with AHI67.2. After wearing CPAP for one night in the hospital, the data shows AHI8.1 and I feel not bad while sleeping. However, I do not like to feel of wearing a mask because I can still breathe by myself and can breathe through my nose, why do I need CPAP? Why do I need being passive and be forced by this “BIG MONSTER”? One day, a friend of mine introduces me iNAP and luckily, I have this chance to experience it. During these experienced weeks of wearing iNAP and with Oximeter, the data shows improved, but the effect and the data are not perfect compare with CPAP. Also, since I used to breathe with mouth opened, so the oral interface device may come off easily while using, which makes the treatment sealing percntage is between 40% to 60% only. Even if you pinch my neck and beg me to use CPAP, I still do not want to wear it. Therefore, I think I should buy iNAP first and then use it seriously. After regular follow-up for almost eight months, and wear with the new upgrade oral interface device, my treatment sealing percentage is improved,…

Mr. Xue | Oral Appliance User with TMJ Problem

Mr. Xue wore a dental appliance (oral appliance) to treat mild sleep-disordered breathing for ten years and felt uncomfortable about the joint for a long time. It’s not easy to clean the oral appliance and keep it in clean condition after he woke up. Fortunately, an old friend recommended him iNAP sleep therapy system. He wore iNAP after 2-3 months and improved the stability of the upper airway. The efficacy on sleep quality is as good as a dental appliance (oral appliance) but easier to clean.